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Well, Camel Milk More Nutritious Milk Compared with Cow

DUBAI, camel milk is more nutritious than cow milk because milk is lower in fat and cholesterol, but more rich in potassium, iron, and minerals such as sodium and magnesium.

This is stated in a document presented at the 5th Conference on Food Safety International in Dubai, which was held on 22-25 February at Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center.

"Camel is an important part in the tradition and Arab culture and the milk is an important food component in the Emirates and other Arab countries," the document said.

The document entitled Standards for Camel Milk and submitted by Fatima Abdul Rahman, the leader of Food Microbiology Expert in Dubai Central Laboratory, at Dubai Municipality, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

"Today, camel milk is very important for human survival in many other countries," said Fatima in the document.

"There are 18 million camels in the world, which supports human survival in the half-barren areas," such as the document as quoted by news Bantor United Arab Emirates, WAM.

Fatima said, camel's milk usually has a sweet and sharp taste, but sometimes it was salty milk and at other times seemed watery.

"The quality of milk is influenced by the number of child camel, the animal ages, levels of animal feed children, the quality and quantity of food, and the amount of water available," he said.

When talking about the benefits of camel's milk, she said, camel milk is an abundant source of protein with protective activity and potential anti-microbial.

"Some proteins were not found in cow's milk, or found only a little. Camel milk does not need to be cooked until boiling like a cow or goat milk. Camel milk, which is rich in taste, must be taken slowly to allow the stomach to digest," said Fatima.

He said, several studies have been conducted in connection with the composition of camel milk. "All of these studies indicate that the fat content of camel milk per unit is 1.8 percent-3, 8 per cent. Vitamin C and niacin are much higher in camel milk. Vitamins and different proteins in camel milk. However, the amount of lactose in the milk of camels the same as lactose in milk cow. camel milk contains less vitamin A, B2, folic acid, and acid panthonthenic compared to cow's milk, which can be viewed on the composition of the unfortunate camel milk, "said Fatima.

About drinking camel's milk raw, he says, camel milk is not cooked can cause brucellosis.

"Brucellosis bacteria transmitted to humans through dairy products are not processed. Direct contact with infected animals and environmental pollution through the animal's blood and infected tissue also can cause brucellosis," he said.

"Camel milk has a longer life than other types of milk because of some special arrangement, strong, and these findings have great importance for the people who live in desert areas, where the installation of cooling not available. Lactoferrin and immunoglobulin values estimated slightly higher at camel milk compared with that reported in cow's milk, "he said.

"Specifications for camel milk was prepared by the Municipality of Dubai through the Emirates in collaboration with Standards and Metrological Authority (ESMA), Emirates Industry for Camel Milk & Products, and the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory in Dubai. The importance of these specifications become the embodiment of the care provided by the state and presented by the tetuanya, the camel became the cultural heritage of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), "said Fatima.

He said, camel milk products different from many wonderful characteristics that make them rich product, which was developed after extensive scientific research.

"These specifications are considered unique in this country to protect cultural products through the trail. This country has a camel milk processing installation in Dubai and Al Ain," said Fatima.

"The UAE has been carrying out the task of preparing specifications for camel's milk by ESMA and other agencies that specialize in approving international specifications. Codex Meeting Middle East regional agreement on the specifications given camel milk," he said.

MAkhluk Aneh - Makhluk Aneh berbahaya

Edisi kali ini kami memberikan suatu pengetahuan baru pada anda,, dimana ada makhluk-makhluk yang aneh diluar sana dan yang pasti tidak ada orang yang tau akan keberadaannya sebab mereka benar-benar misterius,, cukup anda ketahui dan waspada jika bertemu dengan mereka, agar bisa waspada karena mereka kebanyakan hewan yang mematikan dan sadis,,,,

Stone Fish

binatang ini bisa dibilang sangat tidak agresif, tidak seperti hewan pembunuh pada umumnya. dia biasanya hanyalah berdiam diri saja, tidak melakukan apa-apa selain berenang. tetapi racun pada duri yang hampir ada pada seluruh tubuhnya juga cukup mematikan. efek yang timbul dari racun pada ikan ini juga mengerikan. apabila sang korban terkena racun dari ikan ini akan sangat tersiksa dan korban akan berpikir lebih baik mengAMPUTASI bagian tubuhnya yang terkena racun tersebut daripada tersiksa

The Cone Snail

Dilihat dari bentuknya keliatannya ga berbahaya. tapi setelah baca ini agan pasti bakalan takut kalo ketemu ni binatang.
Binatang ini sangat beracun, sumber racunnya adalah ujung pangkal mulutnya tersebut dan racunnya sangat cukup untuk mengirim agan ke ALAM BAKA !!!! hanya dalam waktu 4menit saja! racun tersebut ditembakkan seperti panah yang bahkan mampu menembus baju selan yang cukup tebal.
efek dari racun ini apabila korban terkena racun ini adalah syaraf-syaraf didalam tubuh anda akan menjadi malfungsi, sang krban akan menjadi beku seketika dimana tidak ada satupun otot yang akan bisa digerakkan.
ada kabar yang mengemukakan bahwa racun dari binatang ini dikembangkan oleh CIA untuk digunakan sebagai senjata pelumpuh.
Poison Arow Frog

kodok yang lucu ini tidak terlihat ganas, tetapi sangat mematikan. bayangkan saja kodok ini dapat membunuh anda hanya dengan SENTUHAN saja! racunnya terletak di kelenjar kulit pada kodok tersebut. apalagi kodok ini dapat melompat sejauh 2meter. kata-kata yang cocok jika bertemu kodok ini adalah “Touch It and You Will Be Dead”

The Lazy Clown

binatang ini hidup di hutan amazon, selatan Brazil. hewan ini adalah anggota dari serangga “LONOMIA”. nama asli dari hewan ini adalah Taturana Tatarana.
binatang sejenis ini banyak kita jumpai di pohon-pohon tetapi ini berbeda dari ulat pohon biasa. duri ditubuhnya sebanyak ratusan dimana didalam duri tersebut menyimpan racun ANTICOAGULANT. racun ini bisa memecah belah dan menghancurkan susunan sel darah kita.

Box “COFFIN” Jellyfish

nama latin dari binatang ini cukup keren, yaitu Chironex Fleckeri. binatang ini adalah merupakan ubur-ubur kecil yang berukuran skitar 40cm. binatang unik ini mempunyai 24pasang mata dan pada tentaclenya membawa ribuan dosis Nematocyst. apabila terkena racun ini korban akan merasakan seperti ditusuk-tusuk ribuan jarum kecil, yang sangat akan bisa menyiksa tubuh korban tersebut. racun hewan ini bisa MEMBUNUH anda dalam hitungan Menit atau DETIK dengan hitungan REFLEX

Tips Hidup Sehat | Tips Menjadi Pria Idaman Wanita

Jaman sekarang ini dompet tebal, uang banyak, mobil keren, karier Oke, dan jadi incaran banyak wanita Cantik adalah impian setiap Pria. bahkan hal-hal tersebut masuk pada dunia mimpi saja,,, ( hahahahaha) untuk itu kami memberikan Tips Hidup sehat dan peranan menjadi pria idaman dan diperhatika wanita timbul saat kita mengerti peranan atau fungsi wanita bagi pria,, berikut ini tips yang dapat kami buat untuk Anda untuk menjadi pria Idaman Wanita dan satu lagi untuk mendapatkan seorang wanita yang kamu sayang pastikan kalau kamu mempelajari Tips Cinta agar kamu dapat mendapatkan wanita yang kamu sayang,,,

Ini dia Tips Hidup sehat | tips Menjadi Pria Idaman Wanita :

  1. Ingin dilihat, Haruslah Terlihat !!!
Jika dalam suatu acara kamu ingin dilihat lalu diperhatikan oleh kaum hawa, maka posisi kamu haruslah berada di depan atau di tengah-tengah ruangan

2. Berwarna Menarik!!!

Kenakan pakaian berwarna Biru, jauhi kuning kehijauan, wanita lebih mudah tertarik pada pwarna biru, karen a biru memberi kesan stabil,setia dan selalu ada jika dibutuhkan,,,

3. Kuasai diri-sendiri

Jangan makan permen karet saat melakukan pendekatan, karena itu kelihatan kalau kamu sedang gugup!!

4. Luruskan dan Buka!!

Wanita lebih tertarik pada pria yang macho. untuk menimbulkan kesan macho, usahakan berdiri tegak dan bahu lurus agak kebelakang,dengan kaki terbukan tapi tetap rileks,,,

5. Kesan Selalu Positif

Pancarkan aura positif pada diri kamu,,,jika kamu tertarik pada wanita yang belum kamu kenal, maka tatap matanya selama 5 detik...tersenyum.....lalu berpaling ! lakukan 3 kali dalam waktu 10-15 menit.

6. SERGAP.....!!!

Jika ada respon yang positif dari wanita yang kamu incar berarti waktunya kamu untuk mendekatinya dan menebarkan jurus ampuh kamu,jangan terlalu lama memberi respon, karena minat wanita dapat berubah begitu cepat.,...

7. Pertahankan Sinyal

Saat komunikasi nsudah berjalan dengan lancar, maka pertahankan dengan baik, dengan sesekali ikuti dan coba gerakannya, ikuti arah pembicaraannya, kalau perlu sesekali kamu yang menentukan arah pembicaraannya,,,

Mungkin dengan tips diatas anda dapat menjadi Pria yang di perhatikan oleh wanita,,,,

Nah bagaimana Menurut anda tentang Tips Hidup Sehat | Tips menjadi Pria Idaman Wanita tersebut? kalau adan kurang puas, anda bisa mendapatkan tips kami yang lainnya hanya disini!!, dan saya jamin kalau anda akan menjadi yang lebih baik lagi dari sekarang dan akan menjadi pria idaman wanita yang sesunguhnya,

Catch 80 Separatist Yemen in the South Region

Yemen security forces on Monday arrested about 80 people suspected of separatist groups after their position in the south of gunfire and attacked shops owned by northerners were burned.

The arrest operation carried out within three days after a weekend riot in which a separatist trying to block a highway linking the province of Lahj, south Yemen, the main city of Aden.
"These people were behind the violence and burning of shops in the town of Al Houta on Lahj province," said a government official told Reuters, adding that the suspects be handed over to the court.

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh last week urged people not to listen to Yemen appeals secession, which he said the same as treason.
Tensions rose when a protester was killed in the southern region this month after police opened fire on separatist protest. Six more teluka in the incident.

The police later clashed with demonstrators who came for the victim's body for burial, which sparked riots in which the separatists set fire to the places owned businesses in the north last week. In further violence, the separatist group killed two people, including the head of the criminal investigative unit, on Friday in an attack. On Saturday, two policemen were injured in an attack by armed men in the town of Dalea, residents said.

Government of Yemen, the poorest country in the Arab world, are currently facing
separatist movement in the southern region. Yemen is also fighting the Shi'ite uprising in the northern region and al-Qaeda group.

Northern rebels and the government has approved a ceasefire to end the war in the region. Several previous truce failed to be upheld. Ceasefire which came into force it is government's last attempt to end the rebellion in the northern region that has killed thousands of people and caused 250,000 people to flee...

Yemen security forces on Monday arrested about 80 people suspected of separatist groups after their position in the south of gunfire and attacked shops owned by northerners were burned.

The arrest operation carried out within three days after a weekend riot in which a separatist trying to block a highway linking the province of Lahj, south Yemen, the main city of Aden.
"These people were behind the violence and burning of shops in the town of Al Houta on Lahj province," said a government official told Reuters, adding that the suspects be handed over to the court.

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh last week urged people not to listen to Yemen appeals secession, which he said the same as treason.
Tensions rose when a protester was killed in the southern region this month after police opened fire on separatist protest. Six more teluka in the incident.

The police later clashed with demonstrators who came for the victim's body for burial, which sparked riots in which the separatists set fire to the places owned businesses in the north last week. In further violence, the separatist group killed two people, including the head of the criminal investigative unit, on Friday in an attack. On Saturday, two policemen were injured in an attack by armed men in the town of Dalea, residents said.

Government of Yemen, the poorest country in the Arab world, are currently facing
separatist movement in the southern region. Yemen is also fighting the Shi'ite uprising in the northern region and al-Qaeda group.

Northern rebels and the government has approved a ceasefire to end the war in the region. Several previous truce failed to be upheld. Ceasefire which came into force it is government's last attempt to end the rebellion in the northern region that has killed thousands of people and caused 250,000 people to flee...

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